A Sponsored Initiative

Videos of Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Feb 6 Talk and K@W Interview

The videos of Anne-Marie Slaughter’s lecture (one hour) at Wharton and the interview (20 minutes) with her at Knowledge@Wharton are now live.

You’re invited to share your ideas and questions by commenting here in our Forum.


W/LIP Co-Hosts Slaughter Lecture

Slaughter Talks to Friedman



Penn Reacts to Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Talk

Contributor: Stew Friedman

Anne-Marie Slaughter, author of The Atlantic article that shook the world — “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” — spoke  at Wharton today in the Authors@Wharton series, co-sponsored by the Wharton Work/Life Integration Project and Wharton Women in Business.

An interview with Professor Slaughter was videotaped today for Knowledge@Wharton and her Huntsman Hall talk was also videotaped.  Subscribe to this forum to be alerted when these videos become available.

You are invited to post your ideas, reactions, and questions about Professor Slaughter’s remarks in the Comments section for this post.  Let’s keep the conversation about this important topic going!